UV-radiation in Sofia - NONE.
No protection required.

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UV index for Bulgaria today

Forecast of the UV index at:

Clear sky
Middle cloudiness
High cloudiness, rain, snow
Probable value

Sofia- centre

UV index measured for

UV index tomorrow


Vitosha- Golden Bridges

UV index measured for

UV index tomorrow


Shcorpilovci, Black Sea Coast- Institute of Oceanology - BAS

UV index measured for

UV index tomorrow

Weather information: The Weather Channel -

The UV index is a measure of the intensity of ultraviolet radiation on the Earth's surface that is relevant to effects on the human skin. Geophysical Institute BAS reports UV index values, measured every hour in Sofia-Centre, Vitosha-Golden Bridges, Shkorpilovtsi-Black Sea Research base of Institute of Oceanology BAS and the relevant forecast for the next day. For more information you can download the practical guide Global Solar UV index (in English) [PDF]

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